Cleopatra and the snakes of fame.

How to react to the death of Liz Taylor? Another celebrity event? Distress for movie buffs, Michael Jackson fans and AIDS activists? Something more? Well, possibly. You could use her as a template for the past fifty years I guess. I like films and often go to the pictures; I can even feign a kindContinue reading “Cleopatra and the snakes of fame.”

Don Harry and the East River blues.

Last Thursday night I found myself thinking about Harry Atherton, my old Spanish teacher from the sixties. The school I attended was very much of its time and ethos: selective, all male, study orientated, and, being run by the Irish Christian Brothers, a major proponent of corporal punishment and all its attendant rituals. Harry wasContinue reading “Don Harry and the East River blues.”

From those to whom much is given…….

An awful lot has been written after last Wednesday’s Old Firm shennanigans, but then, there’s an awful lot to write about – or is there? I think I heard ex SFA supremo, Gordon Smith, say on Good Morning Scotland that the problems couldn’t be dealt with because the match was ‘too big’. At the timeContinue reading “From those to whom much is given…….”